My Textiles Dissertation …

This week, I seem to have a lot more free time that I thought I would (not a lot of homework/work done in free lessons). Therefore, I have taken this time as an opportunity to start finalising my Textiles dissertation from the coursework project. (The dissertation is an “essay” of artist evaluations which link together to answer a particular question in which you intend to research and answer using the evaluations as help).

The question I have asked is: How have artists used distortion to alter our perception of the world around us?

In this, I have a number of artist evaluations lined up. Ptolemy Mann, Matthew Harris, Bjorn Dahlem and Eva Hesse – all of which are very fascinating and have a key role in making my project a success.

So far, I have written over 3,000 words for this (which is the equivalent to 12 pages – with images). This does also include all of the information I have gathered together from the internet – which will all be referenced at the end of the essay.

Ideally, I would like to finish this dissertation this week, but I think that will be unlikely to happen as I have a lot of other things I need to do which need to come first. The whole thing doesn’t need to be handed in properly until late May, but I think it would be a good idea to get the majority of it done now.

Also, I still have my Fine Art dissertation to put together too which I think will take slightly longer than my Textiles as all of my artists haven’t been properly evaluated yet.

The pressure’s on!

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